Unlock the Power of Your Data
Designed to support the highest workloads and most complex deployments, while providing superior insight across the enterprise.
OBIEE is an unmatched and comprehensive business intelligence and analytics platform designed to support the highest workloads and most complex deployments, while providing superior insight across the enterprise at a low overall total cost of ownership (TCO).
Our experts know exactly how to best utilize OBIEE’s extensive capabilities and flexible architecture to meet BI objectives across multiple industries with custom configurations.
DeepDomain delivers extensive expertise in implementing and managing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE), a proven BI foundation that delivers the most robust set of reporting, ad-hoc query and analysis, OLAP, dashboard and scorecard functionality to unlock the power of your data. It provides a rich end-user experience that includes visualization, collaboration, alerts and more.
DeepDomain also helps customers upgrade to Oracle Analytics Server (OAS), the next on-premise version of OBIEE that provides significant advanced self-service and visualization capabilities along with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) driven augmented analytics capabilities to the end users at no additional license cost. We also help customers design and develop solutions to migrate from Oracle Discover, which is now our of Premier and Extended Support, to a new Oracle footprint.
Contact us about our Quick Start OBIEE engagements.